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Hello and welcome to Solsbury Sings. I'm Cathy.


I love to sing, and I feel strongly that we all have a voice to share, even if we've been told that we can't sing at some point in our past. My approach is inclusive, supportive and nurturing, and I love to welcome people of all singing abilities.


I feel that we’ve lost some of the opportunities we once had in communities to sing together. I’m passionate about bringing singing back into our lives, and believe that with the right encouragement we can all find our voices. When we sing, it’s a chance to lose ourselves in something bigger than ourself, and make connections without the need for words.


My own love of music goes back to when I first learned the flute and saxophone at school. As a teenager l loved jazz, folk, indie and classical music, and closeted myself away writing music and making endless recordings on my 4-track tape recorder! Since those early years I’ve taught myself to play the piano and the double bass. I’ve led classical groups and a University Big Band. I've toured the UK and France with band The Icing Bus and continue today to play, perform and record with folk/country band Owl in the Sun.


I especially love arranging songs, and creating welcoming spaces in which people can come together to sing and make music.


When I'm not singing - and very often when I am! - I grow cut flowers and work with Bath & West Community Energy.  I’m a member of the Natural Voice Network and live in Batheaston with my family on the flanks of Solsbury Hill.


      Cathy’s love of music is total, as is her belief that in singing we have an opportunity to celebrate the natural voice we were born with, rather than needing to train it into something different. With this approach there was an immediate feeling of being able to sing freely, concentrating on words and melody, watching and listening for guidance but without the pressure of it needing to be absolutely right.

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